Reference Letter

Translation of the reference letter
Since 2006, from the very beginning of its operations, Plastixal Kołakowski Mariusz company has been a user of Stolcad program.
Working with earlier versions of the program, from version 11 through 12, up to the current version Stolcad Professional, we have observed the development of the software, which greatly pleases us and facilitates the work of our clients, salespeople and technologists.
The software evolves along with the new requirements imposed on and by window and door manufacturers.
The experience of Mr. Andrzej's team greatly facilitates cooperation, and the updates and modernization of the program make it a valuable tool for window manufacturers.
The software is of clear readability, with open possibilities for creating profile and fitting databases, making it a versatile tool.
Dealer program is very clear for novice salespeople, while Stolcad Professional is understandable and transparent for technologists, and offers advanced users significant opportunities to expand technological databases.
The ability to expand the software with additional modules has enabled us to fully support both sales and production. Additionally, the integration with production lines has significantly accelerated order fulfillment.
The Planner Module allowed us to plan and track current production and implement paperless production. Thanks to it, work has become more enjoyable and environmentally friendly.
Integrating STOLCAD PROFESSIONAL program with the ERP system allowed for comprehensive management of material resources, inventory and stock.
I fully recommend Sadowski Software Sp. z o.o. company and wish them further success.
Mariusz Kołakowski
Mariusz Kołakowski