
Dealer Professional: Well-established tool for sales points of windows, doors and roller shutters cooperating with the manufacturer

Dealer Professional - program for sellers of windows, doors and roller shutters
Dealer Professional is an established and reliable software solution endowed with trust by a great number of companies for many years now. It works on the basis of the data received from Stolcad® Professional. The program allows you to design windows and doors and create professional quotations. Thus, it gives an opportunity to develop a sales network and to improve the co operation between a manufacturer and the sale agents.

Dealer Professional program:

  • is a convenient platform for the exchange of information between sale reps and the manufacturer
  • allows the manufacturer to control the work of salespeople and to monitor their effectiveness
  • allows salespeople to design windows and doors in any shapes and colours. Therefore, ...
  • ... the manufacturer will always receive finished projects – no need to redesign constructions from scratch!
  • offers a wide range of technological capabilities. Once the database is properly configured, it does not require any specialist knowledge
  • does not require any external programs (e.g. email clients) − all data are directly sent to Stolcad® Professional
  • facilitates creating and managing of your own customer base
  • is available in many language versions.

Advanced designing features

Dealer Professional allows you to design windows and doors in any shape and colour in accordance with the scope of production possibilities defined by the manufacturer. In addition, the ability to save projects as templates (schemes) contributes to a significant reduction of working time. Once created, the designs can be multiplied and reused because they constitute a base to create many similar orders differing with e.g. only a single parameter.
Dealer Professional - Advanced designing

Pricing and offering

Dealer Professional can save you a lot of time while creating offers because of a convenient feature that allows you to add any number of text patterns, which can be easily placed on offers. Additionally, the user can broaden the scope of offered products by introducing own goods with the assigned prices. In Dealer Professional, three valuation systems are available: material quotation,
tabular price lists and a quarter system of pricing. The prices on offers can be extended by additional mark-ups depending on the pricing system and the costs of services related to assembly. The scope of options, which are available to sales agents are strictly defined by the manufacturer.

Extensive trade networks

Appropriate management of an extensive network of trade points is reflected in a great potential of the company and its measurable success. Sales points equipped with Dealer Professional programs have their work optimally organized and benefit from easy communication with trading partners,
regardless of the geographical distance between them. The smooth flow of information between Stolcad® Professional and trade programs allows the manufacturer and the dealers for effective contact at all stages of implementation of the transactions.

Dealer and manufacturer communication

With the use of Internet communication, Dealer Professional offers a seamless flow of information at all stages of the sales process. How does it work? The manufacturer exports the selected technological data in the appropriate language version and the individual permissions (including rates of discounts and mark-ups). Dealer Professional automatically receives the data,
and the salesman can create an order based on the parameters specified by the manufacturer. When the order is ready, it is left on the data exchange server. In very much the same way, after the manufacturer has verified the information, acceptance is granted to complete the order. Thus, the user of Dealer Professional can continue with the next processes of the sale.
Scheme of cooperation between Stolcad and Dealer programs

Mutual benefits

Both the producer and the sales force benefit from the direct co-operation of Stolcad® Professional and Dealer Professional programs. The producer gains confidence that designs offered by his sales agents are only composed of the selected technological elements, i.e. glass, fittings and profiles. This is because of the feature of controlling the availability of individual components − if the manufacturer does not want the sales agents to use certain elements,
they may simply turn their visibility off in the software. The sales agent gains certainty of the correctness of the technologies used, and the possibility to design structures not only visually appealing but also technologically correct. In addition, the use of uniform software in the entire company facilitates two-way communication and improves the comfort of work.
