GORAN company
Reference Letter

Translation of the reference letter
Goran Sp. z o.o. hereby provides a recommendation for Sadowski Software, a producer of software for window and door production as well as numerous commercial solutions.
Our collaboration began in 2001. Since becoming users of STOLCAD software we have significantly developed our production sector, and equipping our sales points with DEALER program has allowed us to execute orders even more smoothly. We are particularly satisfied with the Multilingual Module, which has greatly facilitated the work of our representatives operating in the European Union countries.
From the beginning of our cooperation, we have had access to a team of qualified technical advisors. The professional service provided by the employees of Sadowski Software has made it easier for us to solve any problems related to software usage. The availability, accuracy and individual approach to the client make their service fully professional.
Sadowski Software has proven to be a reliable, diligent and trustworthy business partner. They treat all entrusted tasks as a priority, allowing us to always count on immediate help and support in the form of expert knowledge.
We look forward to continued fruitful cooperation.
GORAN sp. z o.o.
Wojciech Pakosiński
Wojciech Pakosiński