Project: More than just one shape
- Visualizations
- More than just one shape
Position 1: The front doorHeavy, two sash doors with a fanlight enriched with muntin bars. The shape can be designed by adding just a few leading points, inserting bars, sashes and panels and finally filling it with a grid of muntin bars.
Position 2: Arched window − 2 piecesAn image of two identical window constructions. The design is reduced to using one of the predefined shapes in Stolcad® Professional, and determining the height of the crossbar and the distance between the vertical muntin bars.
Position 3: Rectangle-basedThe construction was made on the basis of a rectangular shape, which was then modified by placing several leading points. The designer quickly made it symmetrical using a handy table with dimensions.
Position 4: Triangle-basedThese two items of the order are symmetrical reflections of each other.
The designer used the program function which serves to quickly create a mirror image of a construction. Therefore, in practice it saves time by reducing the number of the designed structures.
The designer used the program function which serves to quickly create a mirror image of a construction. Therefore, in practice it saves time by reducing the number of the designed structures.
Pozycja 1A1T1
Position 5: A rectangular window with a customized barModern solutions are not exclusively reserved for unconventional designs. As is presented in the attached picture, a window designed in Stolcad® Professional may comprise crossbars with any degree of bending.
Position 6: A balcony setDue to the fact that the project was created on a single surface, it was easy to measure the height and the degree of bending of each crossbar.
Position 7: A multi-sash constructionThe design has been complemented with crossbars, whose shape has been achieved using several leading points. The effect has been obtained by inserting a single crossbar across the entire width of the project. The software automatically recognized the division created by the earlier inserted posts.
Position 8: A double-hung windowThe construction has been designed using a number of coordinate values, which were professionally dimensioned. Next, the frame, sashes, fillings and standard muntin bars grid were inserted.
Position 9: A multi-sash arch constructionThe curvature was achieved on the basis of a few leading points, whose height was easily dimensioned using a handy table with the dimensions. An additional character was given to the construction by inserting muntin bars.
Position 10: A double-hung multi-sash windowThe project presents a multi-sash arc construction. The shape was achieved with the use of leading points. After entering the frame, posts, sashes and glazing, the standard grid of muntin bars was inserted into the design.
Position 11: A round windowThe design was prepared using a predefined shape available in Stolcad® Professional. In order to obtain the symmetrical shape, it was enough to enter the radius of the window with no need for any further calculations.
The muntin bars have been inserted with the use of the "grid" option, which automatically distributes muntin bars evenly.
The muntin bars have been inserted with the use of the "grid" option, which automatically distributes muntin bars evenly.
Position 5
Position 7
Position 10
Position 9
Position 8
Position 6
Position 11